Whoa it’s been a while since I wrote something here!
I guess if you’re reading this you might be interested in what I’m up to, so here’s a quick update on that.
First of all, I realize I haven’t written much about Warmspace, the startup I co-founded in 2021. I don’t even think I really mentioned anywhere online (besides an update on LinkedIn) that I quit my job at Giant Swarm and started something new. I think I was just so busy with the transition and getting Warmspace off the ground that I didn’t take the time to properly reflect on it.
I’m proud of what we’ve built and I’m excited about the future. We recently launched a mobile version of Warmspace that is available on the app stores, that’s a step towards better UI/UX for how people might organically discover, onboard and experience Warmspace.
Our web based platform is still the main focus however and not something you can just sign up for and try yourself at the moment. Companies have to contact us and we work together to deploy Warmspace in your organization.
Right now we’re working closely with customers to iterate, get feedback, and keep improving. I think 2025 will be the year where we start to integrate the various things we’ve explored and learned into a more cohesive self service “Warmspace experience”.
Of course I always have side projects keeping me creative. I’ve been taking photos, jamming with friends on Endlesss.fm, collecting pokemon cards, and making some slow and steady progress in the gym. Lately I’ve also been playing Factorio and a bit of World of Warcraft.
I’m playing around with an idea of a 24/7 Factorio stream, I added a “Live” section to the site where you can see if I’m live, though I’m not sure when I will start streaming. I wouldn’t be like physically streaming 24/7, but I would have a server running 24/7 and then the stream would be live all the time showing the trains and whatever else is going on in the factory.
Anyways, that’s it for now. I’ll try to write more often than once every 2 years, but no promises. 😅