Taking photos in Azeroth
In the World of Warcraft, I’ve been taking photos of the landscapes and characters I’ve encountered. Here are some of my favorites.
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It's been a while eh?
Whoa it’s been a while since I wrote something here! I guess if you’re reading this you might be interested in what I’m up to, so here’s a quick update on that. First of all, I realize I haven’t written much about Warmspace, the startup I co-founded in 2021. I don’t even think I really mentioned anywhere online (besides an update on LinkedIn) that I quit my job at Giant Swarm and started something new.
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Stop thinking.
This man represents authority. Someone more knowledgeable, with more experience. Someone that knows the way. A teacher. I respect this man because he has been further than I have been. What he says I consider as likely truthful, even though I haven’t seen it myself yet. When this man rejects an idea of mine, something I am excited about, and he doesn’t ask me to first show my work, I question my self.
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Books I've read and things I've learned
I talked to an old friend recently, someone I haven’t spoken to in almost 15 years. I realised I’ve been through a lot! I thought I’d share a few books that have shaped my world view in some form or another. This was my order at the time of writing. If you’ve read some of these books and feel called to, can you send me an email with your order? oliver.
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You got this
In the dark of the theater tech-room, I had command of all the gear. All the blinky lights and faders and knobs. I love to tinker and to play with tech, figuring it out as a I go along. I can get pleasantly lost in analysing their layouts and imagining the grand spectacles that can be coordinated with them. But I was not a pro. And in fact none of us were.
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Vlog 24: Early morning skate and drone flying at the xtreme skatepark in singapore
Vlog 23: Dusting off the skateboard and my drone's maiden voyage
Making my way back to Singapore | Fujifilm X-T3
altMBA - A month later
It’s been about a month since I finished the altMBA. Was it worth the $3850 dollars that Seth Godin asks for it?
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Everipixel - Next steps
My project everipixel recently won the grand prize at everiToken’s hackathon. What’s next for the project?
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Atomic CSS thoughts
So I built this site quickly because I just wanted to get something out there.
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Hello World
I am a man of few words, so don’t expect too much from these blog posts. But I recently won a hacakathon for a pretty cool project. I want some way to keep people up to date about it, since I plan to do some further development.
Update: I am not actively working on Everipixel
So I figured it was time to start a blog!
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